Technology helps us view the world differently. We all like watching videos and listening to music. And while some people prefer that, others prefer using Jackpotjoy Promotional Code
In their free time, while browsing the internet.
The internet was different ten years ago. One would visit a website and would be greeted by a plethora of pop-ups, which would make the site unusable and often irritating. When watching YouTube, having four ads in a ten-minute video is often worse than watching broadcast television.
Intrusive and obstructive advertisements can be irritating. The solution to that issue is using ad blockers. But, which ones? Here are the best ad blockers to consider in 2022.
uBlock Origin

This is a great ad blocker which focuses on high efficiency at a low performance cost. It is basically unnoticeable, except you stop seeing advertisements, particularly the ones which are in your face, that cover an entire page and no matter where you click, send you off to another site.
This is an extension for Chrome or Firefox, a browser extension, which also has a list of known malware sites, and helps you avoid them. It is another line of defence when browsing the internet.
AdBlock Plus
This is another extension, though this one covers most browsers, from Safari, Edge, to Chrome, Firefox and mobile browsers. It is a great ad blocker, which by default allows unobtrusive ads to be shown, at least the ones that it considers unintrusive. The option can be disabled in the settings, of course.
Among other notable features, you can create custom filters to block sites which you don’t like, or to allow ads on sites which you do enjoy.

This ad blocker has the simplest name out of them all, and is not related to the one above. It is simple and effective. Available on the most popular browsers, it is the most used ad blocker extension. It works great and blocks ads from familiar servers, like those of Google and Microsoft. That being said, you can add more lists and servers, as the option is there. You can also customize which ads you would like to see, from which server or site.
AdGuard is not an extension, but an application, one you would install on your operating system, whether mobile or desktop. It is a great tool which blocks ads, but also has more features. It can block adult content, as well as ads and content which you dislike. It can also block trackers, which is becoming a mandatory feature for most ad blockers.
As an application, it does a great job and is browser-agnostic.
Ad blockers are sometimes a necessity, particularly when intrusive ads block most of our browser’s window. Consider these ad blockers if you want to see fewer ads, or no ads at all.